Saturday, 28 September 2013


Quote: "If you have no expectations, you are never disappointed".  

Would you agree with this, or do you think it's very pessimistic?

To be honest with you, I've always agreed with this quote but I tend to get slated by acquaintances over it for being very negative.

If you look at it in a certain way, this quote can be seen to be very pessimistic, so much so you wonder what the point is of ever doing anything..or having any ambition or bothering at all..

But look at it another way...this quote can be very liberating. 

As someone who took disappointment badly, my life suddenly changed the moment I came across it. 

It doesn't mean there is no point in anything. It means I can carry out my life never feeling let down by people or disappointed by the way things turned out-something that held me back for years.

I used to look to others..or possessions to make me happy, and time and time again I felt let down and would then beat myself up over it for being demanding and needy.

It took me a long time to realise that only I could make me happy. Not possessions or other people. Me. It had to come within, and having no (okay..few!) expectations of anyone has made that so much easier!

Of course, I still have my slip-ups from time to time, but I'm working on that..

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