Saturday 6 December 2014

Why do I have two names?

If you've followed my blog from the early days, you'll notice that I started off with the name "Kip Mack" and ended with "Kerry M".

When I first started out, I wasn't sure how my posts would be taken or if I would receive any abuse as a result of them. At the time, it was much easier to protect myself with a semi-pseudonym. (Actually my nickname is Kip, and the Mack is a shorter version of my surname.)
Also, I come from a rather reserved family who would probably be mortified to know that I write a mental health blog. Those sorts of things are just not spoken about. I believe in getting mental health out in to the open and I have always been very honest and open about the past.

As time went on, the pseudonym made me feel that my blog wasn't mine and I began to feel disconnected from it. At one point I considered deleting the whole thing because it didn't feel like it belonged to me

The abuse I had anticipated never happened (as yet), so I decided to take the plunge and use my own name. It was a big relief and I felt I could be freer in what I wrote.

Ironically, when I first started my blog, I told a lot of people I knew about it despite being anon, but these days I don't tell anyone about it. Weird huh?

So that's the story of my two names!


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