Saturday 11 July 2015


It's been far too long since I posted anything and I feel rather guilty for neglecting my poor blog.
Over the last year I have been toying back and forth with the idea of writing a memoir. 
A few months ago I decided to go for it and have knuckled down (hence the lack of activity on my blog). What I didn't expect, however, was to come across a few issues that have slowed down the writing process a lot, and this is where you come in.

To me, my story is as boring as waiting for a pan of water to boil. It's all normal for me and I forget that other people might find some of this interesting.

So, if a few years down the line you were holding my book in your hands...what would you like it to contain? 

Would you want to hear about my childhood, or why I believe I got Depressed and developed eating disorders?
Would you like to hear what it's like to get ECT and its after-effects?
Do you want to hear a recovery story which doesn't focus too much on the why's? Recovering from eating disorders or coming off psychiatric medication? Or do you think a mix of everything would be good?

I have an idea of the way I want to go, but I'm very interested to see what you would want to read.

Please post in the comments below or get in touch via the contact form.



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