Saturday, 26 April 2014

Back to work diaries #001 - Job descriptions freak me out!

This year I made a resolution to get a job and keep it. The "Back to work diaries" will accompany me on that journey.
A scary, but exciting time ahead is waiting for me, where I'll be confronting all those fears, phobias and misconceptions and facing them head on..

Just to see what's out there, I've been doing lots of job searches and keep getting totally freaked out by the job description.
Even pretty basic jobs like portering or shop floor, the list of duties and personal qualities expected makes me think I'll never be able to do any of these jobs, let alone consider applying for one.

I got so discouraged I even considered giving up at one point, but my employability coach pointed out that it's just a "wish list" they have for the ideal candidate and not concrete.

Phew - that's a relief!

I've started an employability award takes you into the nitty-gritty of job searching: where to find the type of job you want, CV's and interview skills, all of which I have little experience.

In the past I've not been able to work due to illness, but I admit I feel rather embarrassed at being nearly 36 and apart from two short stints, I've never had a proper job.

In this day and age, you hear about all those graduates who can't get jobs, and the general lack of jobs out there, yet jobs are still being advertised and got by people.

It's scary, but it's also new and exciting.

For the first time in my life I feel I can do this without my health getting in the way.

Bring it on!

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