Friday, 2 May 2014

Back to work diaries #002 - Excellent Poofreading skills! Writing the CV.

This year I made a resolution to get a job and keep it. The "Back to work diaries" will accompany me on that journey.
A scary, but exciting time ahead is waiting for me, where I'll be confronting all those fears, phobias and misconceptions and facing them head on..

It's CV writing week on the course, and it has to be one of the most tedious things ever!
I'm quite good at writing personal statements and have the most fortunate knack of making a sack of tatties sound fantastic (a possible potato advertising career perhaps?) but when it came to writing my CV..? I ended up losing my temper and ready to pack up, go home and come to terms with my permanent status as a "home-maker" which was rather depressing. 

To get the SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) award, we have to provide proof that we have done the work required - in this case, produce a CV tailored to a specific job and write an impassioned cover letter stating why you and this job are meant to be together forever.

Now, that's easy if you know what you want to do, but I haven't got a clue which makes it ten times harder...

I'm sort of thinking of things in the receptionist area so I tailored it to that, and with a bit of help, my CV looks not bad at all. 

I was asked what my objectives were in going for this job... If I'm honest: money to give me some independence, a reason to get out of the house in the morning, and to give me a routine. That's it basically. Unfortunately I can't really bung that on a cover letter now can I?! 

Another tricky area is in how the CV should look. I've gotten so much conflicting advice from people, I'm not sure about anything any more.. Should it be plain? With colour or boring black and white? Should it flow, or have bullet points instead? Photo or no photo? It just goes on and on...

Personally I want something that will stand out from the rest of the pile..eye-catching yet easy to read, that the prospective employer can check me out at a glance and not be bothered with screeds of labour-intensive waffle.

I did have one laugh which had me giggling all day where I accidentally typed "Excellent poofreading skills".. 

Thankfully my proofreading skills are also pretty excellent and I spotted it before it was too late.

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